Your Angels would like you to take time to be more “peace-full.”
There is so much going on in your life and the world around you. Your Angels would like to help bring in more peace by cleansing and recharging your energy. Ask for their assistance.
Peace can come in small increments at first. Spend time to clear your mind and observe the wonders of God around you. Close your eyes and pay attention to your breath. Sit like this for a few moments each day.
The simple steps to start quieting your mind will allow you to be calm in chaos, so you can respond, rather than react during life’s challenges.
Alternative Meanings: Situations may arise when you will be called to be the peacemaker. Forgiveness. Respond instead of react.
I welcome peace to flow through my life releasing my stress and dis-ease.

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Loved the Angel of Peace message from the angels today . Thank you Karen ,love and light xx
Thank y’all loved it!!!❣️❣️❣️
Thank you for coming, Lola. Have a blessed day. ~ Karen
Thank you, have a blessed day.
Thankyou very much for the much needed message xxx
Thank you for the powerful and helpful message. Angel Blessings
I loved my Angel of Peace message!
loved this card reading thank you x
Thank you for your lovely message for today! I ask the angels every day for them to help me through the day!
Hi Anita,
So do I. So grateful for their help in my life.
~ Karen
I love this message. It is a great reminder. In our world today it can become hard to feel peace. We need to always call on God and his Angels for assistance.
May you always be watched over by the Heavens.
God Bless You, Karen
Thank you so much for your blessing. Sending it back to you. ~ Karen
Thank you, Karen.
Thanks for the Lovely Card Reading
Thanks for the message..Peace Be Still
Thankyou my Angels…life has been very stressful..agree it’s time for me
Lovely message as always. Hugs and ❤
Thank you
Thank you
I needed this Angel of Peace today. I lost my cousin in New York and this morning is the funeral and I am not able to go and its been bothering me alot. Thank you.
Hi Ingrid,
I am sorry for your loss. May the Angels bless your cousin’s transition with God’s Divine Grace.
~ Karen
Thank you I needed that today, have a lovely day
Thank you Angels with Gratitude
Blessings to you
Thank you Jeanette! And also to you ~ Karen
Have a lovely day
With gratitude thank you Angels❤Amen
Thank you Angels with graritude
Amen thank you Angels
Thankful and grateful to All and Happy Easter
Peace,exactly what I need.
Thank you, love your Angel Cards.
❤️ this! Is there an app to download for daily use? Thanks a bunch.
Oh Amy, thank you so much! You made my day. Just launched them yesterday. I will put that on my to-do list. Blessings to you ~ Karen
I truly enjoy all the messages you bring to us.
Thank you!
Thank you, Andrea. It brings me so much joy to share them with you. ~ Karen
I have a lot of stress so thank you
Hi Chris,
Finding peace amongst the chaos is up to you.
I made a video tutorial on how to get started with meditation.
Give it a try. It changed my life.
~ Karen
So happy you are doing the cards again. I missed they. Blessings my friend
Thank you for your kind words. I am so happy to be back! ~ Karen
I really needed this message for me
Received the Angel of peace card again today ,beautiful message ,i have been asking the angels to bring peace to my day ,Thank you Angel of peace and thank you Karen ,Bless you x
Thank you. Peace, Love and Light!
You are very welcome. Come back soon! ~ Karen
Love this reading, thank you. Both meanings are relevant at this moment 🙂
Thank you Karen I have so much stress
In my life at the moment ❤
Thanks. I needed to hear that message. Have a great day
Angel of peace card was gratefully received today. I have so much going on in my life at present and I need to take a step back.
Thank you.
Amazing! This is exactly what I am going through…horrid pain. Thank you angels.
Angel of Peace ~ Always love these sweet reminders ~ Feeling so Blessed & Grateful!
Perfect timing always ~ Love my Angels Thank You Karen ~ I just love this and look forward to these messages daily
Thank you! The 3rd card seemed to spark a light I chose it and it is very much needed for me today..thank you❤
Thank you Karen, really needed to hear that today. Love & blessing to you & Frank for all you do xx
thank you for your beautiful messages everyday.
Love this card , this card always brings me Peace when asked . thank you angels, thank you Karen xx
Perfect reading for today. I need peace now more than ever and also I’ve been struggling with forgiving. Today is the birthday of my only daughter who died of SIDS 30 yrs ago. I have ,5 living sons and 3 grandsons. I need the forgiveness not only for myself and the guilt blame and shame that I carry, but also to get past the past in my current relationship. I’m just stuck in a rut that I can’t get out of and I’m not sure what to do, his pessimism and negativity sucks all the hope and optimism out of me. I think I should leave him but I’ve never been on my own and I’m scared to death cuz I have nobody to help me with anything. I’ve come to realize and hate that I’m severely codependent. I’m sorry I just had to get it all out, he jumps in my conversations whether in person or during my phone calls. Tries to take my luck n happiness away for himself and treats me and our children like crap with so much verbal abuse that it’s unbearable and I react instead of respond so today’s reading hit me. Thank you all! Please pray for me to see the light and love not the dark and the fear?!
Give yourself some alone time – meditation time. It can be in your home with the door closed with a sign on it (Meditating – Do Not Disturb) … in your car … garden … park. Try to make it happen daily.
Here is my video on getting started. http://karenborga.com/meditation-absolute-beginner-101-karen-borga/
It will be a major step in loving yourself. When the outside looks dark, your inside is not lit. It is only you who can bring light back into yourself. Take this little step to start.
If you find you are not able to make this adjustment to your day, you are not ready for change. It will happen when you decide you no longer want what you have now. Don’t be concerned about the fear that is like cement … in time it will turn to muddy water.
I believe you are deserving of love and happiness. It is time for you to know it too.
Love ~ Karen
Thank you. Have a Lovely day.
Thank you so much. Hope your day is lovely too! ~ Karen
I need to hear this message..so when I am called I know exactly what to do
Thank you so much Karen, Black Feather. Always luv when I get this card, to know Angels are with you, protecting you. So much love & blessings sent to you & Frank. Have a blessed week xx
Hi Jacqui,
I love receiving these messages too. So comforting. I have learned through the years of working with my Angels not to be concerned through the chaos.
Have a lovely day.
~ Karen
Thank you for your prayers and messages
thank you really needed to find peace
Thank you. Blessings in all that you do.
Hi Paulette,
Sending Blessings back to you.
~ Karen
Thank You!, All I ever Want in Life “Peace”
Thanks for this message of Love Peace and Happiness.
I lost my mom yesterday this is so needed today as I am struggling
May the Angels bless your Mom’s transition with Divine Grace. May they watch over you and your family during your time of grief. Amen.
Thank you my angels! Thank you my angels for this reminder, I need it so often. I feel your warmth ever day.
Thank you so much my beautiful angels and Karen♥️♥️♥️
Thank you! ❤️
Perfect! Peace for everyone is so needed. Thank you Karen. God bless. Good Morning
Angel of peace reading was stot on for me, I need to calm down my mind, after 2 heart attacts a strokealmost lost my eye sight, and my mind is compleatly shot.
Thank you Karen for to dys message.