Your gift of intuition allows you to be able to navigate the world around you. Your body has the ability to receive insight using your senses. Unfortunately you don’t often listen to it, choosing to discount your innate abilities.
You can receive messages from your Angels by using your intuition.
– Seeing: You may see a “sign” from your Angels. You may also see a vision (like a dream) in your mind.
– Hearing: Angels can whisper (or yell, if necessary) words in your ears.
– Smelling: A fragrance can trigger a memory bringing you a message.
– Touch: Temperature change, a gentle brush against your skin, and goosebumps are signs from your Angels.
– Knowing: You can receive inspiration and guidance instantly in your mind.
Open yourself to the messages from your Angels. Trust your intuition, and following the guidance it provides.
Alternative Meanings: Trust your gut feeling. Your intuitive gifts are increasing. Meditation. Overwhelming situations. Consider the pros and cons. You know the answer.
I am connected to my inner vision.
I trust and follow my feelings and insights.

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Love this thank you!
Hi Agnes, Thank you for visiting. Come back soon. Blessings to you ~ Karen
Thank you!
Love the message from the Angel of vision I can definitely resonate with it thank you . M any blessings ❤
I love this message. I do see feathers , smell a fragrance and have felt a slight brushing on the back of my neck as well as tingling on the crown of my head.
However, I need to go with my intuition and stop second guessing myself.
God Bless You, Karen
Thank you ❤️❤️
This morning I see 2 Angel’s feathers only tiny,one was on a roof direct to my kitchen as I looked out the other floated down out side my living room window there was no birds around,I did and ask for Angel’s help,
Thanks for the message . I do see feathers and smells than let’s me a love one is near, I need to go with my intuition and stop send guessing my self.
thank you so much for the reading. They really uplift me makes my day!!!!
Thank you Karen ! I really needed to hear this today. I am always thinking twice.. Sometimes I get so caught up in taking care of everyone else I miss my signs.
Love and peace to you always
I love this. Thank you. I’ve gotten lots of signs before but never followed them.
Thank you, have a lovely day
Hi Jeanette,
Thank you so much. You too!
Blessings ~ Karen
Thank you
Thank you very much, blessings to you
Nice little reading thank you and have a lovely day
Ye I feel my Angeles touch at times
I thank you, blessings
Blessings to you. ~ Karen
Thank you my Angels !! So very true .
Thank you
I love the angel messages. I check them everyday… their like my little sign posts from my angels and guides!
Thank you⭐️Love your daily inspirations!
I believe in Angels & intuition .. I do feel thoughts in my mind what a person is thinking..I know I am gifted just don’t know how to further my abilities..Thank you Angels for your assistance..God Bless !’
A perfect affirmation for me today. I needed it.
Hi Sandi, So glad. Have a wonderful day! ~ Karen
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new Daily Inspirational Messages with the Angel Cards!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing this for all of us!!! Blessings to you!
Thank you, Angelica. It means a lot to me to hear that.
Blessings to you, and much gratitude. ~ Karen
Loved my Angel Card today it was exactly what I needed. I am recently suffered a terrible loss and I need to become more focused again. Each day I try and do better.
Hi Stephanie,
Each day make an effort to bring more joy into your life. Play the music you know all the words to … and sing really loud. Be creative … however you like … but do it. This will help you find your way back.
Blessings to you ~ Karen
Love this Angel Card today the Angel of Vision. Today being a special day and will love any signs from my loved ones especially my daughter who passed away in March of this year. So glad the angel cards are back!
I often see 111 or 1111 and feathers is beautiful to know the angels are with me and listening to my thoughts.
Love this❤
Confirming what I’ve felt all along.
I got chills after reading my card#3.
That is confirmation from your Angels.
Have a wonderful day. ~ Karen
This was a blessing to trust and release fears to God and all angels Thank you
I have been having a lot of visions, birds coming up to me one specifically the black bird with orange red stripe on the wings, following me and getting my attention. At work I seemed to close my eyes and saw a unicorn with pink flowers on their head. I’m working on knowing the difference in my own head and a message.
Thank you. Today marks 9 years that my husband has been gone. The card I picked reminded me again the ways he is with me.
I see double numbers almost every time I look at a clock 07:07, 11:11 and so on…I need to know how to open up to my Angels messages, I google and don’t really understand. I always rely on my gut instinct but this tells me listen to the Angels I just don’t know how.
Sit quietly, close your eyes, and breathe. Sense your Angels, listen … they will sound like your own voice in your head. It doesn’t come from outside. You may see an image in your mind. All of these are ways to receive messages.
Blessings to you ~ Karen
P.S. You may want to listen to my video on journaling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5_tew1Hzf8
Thanks for the message I have been known to be a seer. Thus Card revealed some valuable information
I’m trusting my instinct today & staying Home for the next several hours..I’ll sort my clothes .. that’s a good thing.
Congratulations on listening to your intuition. Enjoy your day! ~ Karen
This is message came at the right time. I will listen to my intuition more and stop second guessing myself
An awesome message as always
Karen, thank you so much for these dailies. They absolutely help me throughout the day. I look forward to them.
Love this! I need to listen to my gut more often.
Thank you for all these messagaes. Some of them really hit home
Thank you for this message I have always known this is my gift just let it go for awhile .
Your daily messages are always spot on for me. Thank you!
Thanks for that Brilliant message. I need to stay focus on my Father God and what he has in store for me and his children.
Thank u very much i like the message… am one month pregnant but am surrounded by butterflies what do u think it is?
Congratulations Betty, there is lots of love surrounding you … and beautiful changes. ~ Karen
Thanks I need to listen to my intuition more and follow the angel guidance
I love this. Drawn immediately to card 2. Just joined your email list and monthly contribution. I wish I could help more but not right now.
We are so grateful for your help. Every bit counts … sending you lots of love in return. ~ Karen and Frank
Stop 2nd guessing myself & procrastinating. Trust my thoughts. I can do it! Thank you Karen!
Thank you so much amen
I need to trust myself more. I get thoughts from angels to help solve problems. I often don’t pay mind to it and end up doing what the thought told me in the first place.
Thank you Angels for this beautiful message. Amen