A “Blessing” is the showering of Divine Grace.
Your Angels want you to know you are deserving of all good things. They are sending goodness your way. Their loving grace is bringing you into alignment with your heart’s desires.
Blessings often come in unexpected ways. Be open to receive gifts from unforeseen channels. Accept help from others. What you are asking for may not come from the place you most expect. (Strangers may be Angels in disguise.)
Alternative Meanings: Prayers are being answered. Physical health improves. You are a blessing to others; you are being called upon to use your gifts now.
I am open to receive all blessings from God and his Angels.
My heart is filled with gratitude for the love bestowed on me.

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Thank you
Have a wonderful week! ~ Karen
Number 2 i was guided to a beautiful message from my angels as my health is not very good at the moment thank you Karen and God bless you Frank
Sending extra Angels to be with you while you heal.
Blessings to you ~ Karen
I accept all blessings coming my way unexpected
Thank you
No 2 was a blessing
I am going in for knee operation
I needed these words today
Thankyou Karen and all the angels
Hi Mariki,
May the Angels shine their Healing Love over you and all your caregivers. May your recovery be fast and complete.
Thank you Angels. So be it, and so it is.
~ Karen
(I see you dancing in no time!)
I love this message
Thank you…
boy i needed this today. thanks karen❤️❤️
So glad the Angels were able to get you the message!
Blessings to you ~ Karen
Thanks. Happy 4th of July. Enjoy the day. Namaste
Thank you so much. Blessings for your wonderful day ~ Karen
Thank you Karen
Thank you so much!!
Thank you Karen.
Thank you Angels, blessed be
So grateful, really needed this Angel message today, Blessings, Karen♥️
I am open to all rewards from the Lord & Angels ..I am so thankful for your what u sacrificed for us Lord !
Thank you
I picked #2 and the message was awesome. Praising and thanking God.
Thanks for the beautiful message
Thank you so much, this is what I needed to hear , I am in a toxic marriage that I have been trying to get out of and I have been having a lot of medical issues. Finally there is a light at the end of the tunnel .
Thank you Angel’s, Karen and Frank.
I hope so. Both my senior dogs have past in one month.
I am lost with out them.
Just what I really needed today. Thank you Angels…and Karen♥️
Thank you I needed this angel blessings card . Have a great day . Thank you Karen & Frank
Thank you needed this today. You are so kind Karen sending us these beautiful angel cards.
Thank you for all that you do. This card 1 was beautiful. Can I purchase your Awaken with Angels cards here in the UK?
Thank you Karen for this wonderful message today! Blessings to you and your family! Have a safe holiday weekend!
Yes, thank you!
Hi Brenda, Have a lovely day! ~ Karen
Thank you Karen for my beautiful Angel Blessing! On my birthday too! 4/23/19
God Bless You.
Oh, Happy happy Birthday!
Many blessings to you ~ Karen
Amen & Thank You!…..
Thank you love n light x
Hi Diane, Love n Light to you! ~ Karen
Thank you. This reading was really needed. Angel Blessings to you and Frank. You both are special
Thank you
Thank you and blessings to you
Thank you so much. Right back ya’ ~ Karen
Karen thank you ever so much for the gift of daily readings . They are a blessing
I really love this one.
May you always receive many blessings from God and his Angels. ✝️ .
God Bless You, Karen
Thank you, it’s very appropriate for me at the moment, i have been praying for financial help lately. I’ve had problems with the house lately and have had to pay out money for repairs, that i really can’t afford. I am open to receive my blessings.
Thank You Karen.
Thankyou my Angels !!in a crisis at this time need all the help necessary..
I like this message..I am trying to go the next level in my career, I need a blessing and for doors to open for me to teach special needs children.
Thanks Again
Love Peace and Happiness
Thank you Thank you I neefed to hear this Today
Thank you Karen!! I absolutely loved my angel card reading. I have to catch up with you and let you know how I have been doing since my cancer diagnosis last October. God is so good. Please email me a number and when I can reach you.
Thank you so much.
Thank you my Angels !!just the advice I need at this time..I Definately am waiting for this blessing.
Thank you . Have a blessed day
Thank you have a lovely day
Thankyou my Angels !!I truly hope so.
Thank you
Thankyou my Angels!! I Definately need these words of encouragement.
Thank you ❤ God bless ❤
Have a blessed day! ~ Karen
Amen thank you Angels ready to receive ❤
Thank you
Thank you that was a lovely message x
Beautiful! Thank you x
Hi Caroline,
You are very welcome. Thank you for visiting.
Come back soon.
Blessings to you ~ Karen
Thank you needed today
Hi Connie,
Have an amazing day!
~ Karen
Thankyou my Angels !!I’m in need for a blessing..
Thank you!!!
Thank you x
Please can you tell me what a black feather means as a few years ago I was in Egypt and in apartment I found a large black feather .
Hi Linda,
A black feather is protection. Your Angels have your back so don’t be concerned if things don’t go the way you had anticipated.
~ Karen
Thank you and have a lovely day
Thank you so much
Thank you and blessings to you
Thank you….always x x x
Thank you. have a lovely day
Hi Jeanette,
Thank you. May your week be blessed with laughter and love.
~ Karen
Thank you love you guys
Hi Patricia,
We love you too!
~ Karen
Thank you, have a beautiful Christmas
Thank you so much, Jeanette. And the same to you! ~ Karen
Thank you Amen
Thank you❤️❤️❤️
Thank you ❤
You are very welcome. Have a wonderful day! ~ Karen
Thank you Father, I claim & wait for your promise of blessings to those that believe. Amen
Thank you, blessings to you
Thank you so much.
Thank you, Karen, I needed this today!!
Hi Bobbie,
I just love when the Angels bring you the message you need!
Blessings to you and all you do ~ Karen
Thank you Angels, blessings to you
Thank you very much blessings
With Gratitude thank you Angels❤
Thanking you
Thank you ! I needed to hear this .
Amen grateful, thank you Angels
Thank you Angels, Blessed be❤❤
Amen much needed, thank you Angels
Amen so needed, thank you Angels❤with gratitude
Amen thank you Angels, blessed be ❤❤❤❤
This card is so beautiful, right now I needed to see this . I been having a really hard time . Thank you
Thank you so much; I feel so grateful & blessed to receive this message. It is absolutely just what I needed!♥️Thank you, thank you, thank you. And so it is!♥️
Thank you, thank you. So grateful & blessed for this so- needed message today. And so it is.♥️
With gratitude, thank you Angels
Ty so much, really needed this inspiration from my Angels. Such a blessing
Just what I needed today, ty, so be it & so it is! Sending you love & blessings always♥️
Ty, ty, ty…so grateful for this card today; exact confirmation I needed now. I know God & my Angels are showering me with blessings. You are a blessing, Karen♥️
Ty, I keep getting the Angel of Blessings each day & I am so grateful. Feel raised up on high with my Angels & God for sure. Ty again for this beautiful message, Karen. Blessings abound!♥️
Ty Karen, I am feeling so much gratitude for this message of Blessings, especially now. I always count my blessings! But I needed this reminder today!♥️
Im always so grateful for this message! And so it is. Ty Angels, God, loved ones in heaven, Ascended M asters, etc, and most of all ty Karen!♥️♥️♥️
So grateful & blessed to receive Angel Blessings card, perfect! Ty, ty, ty…and so it is!♥️
Angel of Bessings! Needed this card so much today, ty!♥️Many Blessings to all!♥️♥️♥️
The best card for today, so needed, so grateful…feeling so blessed! Ty, Amen Blessings to all!♥️
Ty you for this card, just what I needed to hear! Sending blessings abound right back to all! Ty God & Angels, im elated with joy. Amen. Ty Karen♥️
So grateful for this Angel of Blessings card I picked for the 3rd time. My Angels are definitely speaking to me. Im thrilled & so blessed. Blessing to you. Amen. Ty Karen♥️
So Grateful for the Blessings card, ty Amen
Thank you!
Thank you so much for this card, so needed! Ty God & Angels for so many blessings. Ty Karen.
Thank you
Such a great card to receive. I am so grateful for Angel blessings! Ty Karen
So grateful for the Angel Blessings card! Just what I needed 2 days in a row. Thank you Angels, thank you Karen. ♥️
Thank you so much
I needed this card so much! Thank you, Karen♥️
Thank Angels of blessings I am truly blessed
Thank you so much. Many blessings right back to you, Karen, ty♥️
I pray this be so.
Thank you for this reading….
I am so glad you came! Have a wonderful day. ~ Karen
Thank you so much for the reading.
You are very welcome. Thank you for coming! ~ Karen
Thank you ♥️
Have a blessed day! ~ Karen
Thank you and thanks to my angels.
I always look forward to your Angel messages. They brighten my day and give me the clarity I need. I miss your store a lot but I am so thankful you continue to spread love and guidance through your website. God Bless!
Hi Kim,
Thank you so much for coming!
That was so much hard work, now I have time to do what I love … draw these cards, and write the messages.
I pray you prioritize to have time to do things that bring you joy too.
~ Karen
Thank you so much as so true for me,
Thank you God and your wonderful Angels for all my Blessings . Love and Light xx
Thank you. That was a nice reading and I trust it.
Hi Tosca,
Have a blessed day! ~ Karen
Thank you karen
Hi Jeanie,
You are very welcome. Have a great day. Come back soon! ~ Karen
Thank you. Namaste
Hi Marci,
Have a great day!
~ Karen
Thank you Karen
You are very welcome. ~ Karen
I love this reading. Thank you very much, Karen. May you be blessed abundantly.
Thank you, the Blessings cards made my day.
Hi Sandra, Thank you for visiting.
Come back soon. ~ Karen
Beautiful message for today! I am very grateful, it fills me with much needed hope. Struggling in my journey, asking for guidance and support. Have a wonderful day! Love and light!
Hi Wanda,
Remember to ask for signs, and pay attention to receive them.
Blessings ~ Karen
Hello Karen,
Thank you for your message/reminder. Yes, I do ask for signs (for many years) and I do receive messages and signs in my waking life and in my dreams. Some of them I really don’t understand, but I have beautiful dreams and receive unexpected messages, even from strangers.
I am in a phase in my life where I feel very connected to spirit and my angels, but struggling in the physical plane. So, I am talking to them all the time, asking for guidance and support. LOL!
Many blessings to you always. Love and light!
Thank you so much.
Hi Jane,
You are welcome. Come back soon.
~ Karen
Thank you
I was guided to number 2 what a beautiful message from my angels
Thank you Karen and God bless you ❤
Hi Linda,
Sending even more blessings to you!
~ Karen
Me too Linda K
Thank you so much Karen. God bless.
Thank you, thank you thank you in gratitude and love xx
This made my day… Thank u so much. Blessings and love to you and Frank… 🙂 🙂
Hi Sonali,
Thank you. We appreciate the love you send to you.
~ Karen
Thank you!!
Oh I so needed this today my Angel of Blessings <3 Thanks so much. I am so glad you are doing the cards again.
Thanks so much Karen
Thank You I feel wonderful this morning especially after reading my card. I LOVE ANGELS❤️❤️
Thank you Karen. Such a Blessing you truly are!
Thank you. You are very kind. ~ Karen
Thank you! This lines up with what is going on in my life now.
Enjoy your Saturday!
Thank you for the blessings
GM I feel so Blessed and I Love Angels so much. This is Exactly why I do not be mean to people you never know if it’s a Angel. Thank You for opening my heart and my eyes in Jesus Mighty Name Amen
My life has been in turmoil recently.So thank you,I really needed this reading.
Thank you Angels and thank you Karen.
I needed that massage now.
Have a blessed day.
Loved this message, just what I needed today❤ thank you, much love and light!
Thankyou so much Karen.
I absolutely love my daily Angel messages .
They help to inspire me to listen and learn and also love myself.
love and light to you all
Thank you! I greatly appreciate all that you do♥
Thank you Angels of Blessings xx
Beautiful angels of Blessings thank you in gratitude and Love xx Thank you Karen xx
I must remember to seize the day!
Lovely reading, thanks. Blessings.
I receive in thanks this message for me!
Thank you, Karen, for all you do I hope both of you have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you, Shelley. Same to you! ~ Karen
Thanks for this reading…I need blessing coming my way. I am getting ready to student teach!!!
I am open to receiving any blessing coming may way large or small.
Thank you I feel blessed everyday but knowing there are more to come makes me so happy and instills more faith in goodness around us.
Thank you so much, I needed to hear this message. Blessings to you.
T hanks for the lovely message. I will accept all blessings coming my way Big or Small/ Even from strangers because I could be entertaining an angel in disguise.
Thanks for this great message. I received a blessing today long time coming. A new environment.
Praying for a Blessing today.
I will join in prayer with you. Angels please shine your light and love bringing multitudes of blessings today.
Thank you. So be it, and so it is.
~ Karen
Thank you
Thank you so much. I always ask my angels to guide me to the right message and they always do!
Love and peace to you always
Hi Kathy,
Once you KNOW they are there helping you it brings so much reassurance.
Blessings for a wonderful day,
~ Karen
Loved this message today. I really needed it and it was right on time.
Grateful and thankful!
Thanks for the wonderful message
Thank you, angels … I have received so many blessings recently, and I appreciate each one.
Hi Terry,
When you are aware of a constant flow of blessings, you are in alignment with the Universe. What a wonderful place to be!
Blessings to you and all you do ~ Karen
Beautiful message! Thank you
I needed to hear this message today.. my husband is getting scans done of his back. I am praying there Is no bone cancer. I always need my Angels ❤️
Thank you Karen for all you do!
I need to hear this message today…I need help to complete a project I am working on ,,,I pray that my help come through to help me complete this project. I accept all blessing that is coming my way. I also pray for those who are in need right now for some type of help…..Please help me angels and thanks for all you do and are doing for mer
This was a wonderful message for me today. Thank you Karen.
A feeling came over me and the first post that I came upon was Awaken With Angels so I picked a card and my angels are watching over me. The message is exactly what I needed. I truly appreciate when the messages come to me. What a blessing. We all need to be reminded to open our hearts to the signs of our Angels.
Hi April,
Thank you for this lovely message. Yes … we all do need reminders.
I am grateful to hold this space for the Angels to reach people … including me.
~ Karen
I needed to hear this message today. I m definitely in need for blessings. It’s been a rough year, I lost my daughter earlier this year. Finances have been tight. I am raising her 12 year old daughter and we are just surviving 🙁
Joining in prayer for an awesome 2020 for you and your grand daughter. God Bless You Both. ~ Karen
I am looking a blessing coming my way big or small.. I do believe in miracles.
On one of my walks earlier today, I was talking to my daughter and I saw 2 beautiful butterflies. I yellow and 1 one yellow with black stripes. That’s when i know she hears me talking. I acknowledge and am grateful for the blessing.
Pulling this card this evening was another gift and what I needed. My main concern is that my granddaughter has what she needs without me struggling in the process. Thank you for the kind words you send me on Dec 16. I am grateful to you too for the readings. God Bless Karen. Namaste
Release your fears and know your desires or “something even better” will happen. Being filled with laughter and love is her greatest wish for you and your grand daughter. When she comes, she is sending you blessings of joy. ~ K
Thank you Angels for the beautiful message. Waiting for the lovely blessings.
Thanks for the wonderful message.
I am so grateful for the many blessing I have received in my life right now. I want to thank God for all he had done for me and my family!!!
Thank you for your daily readings. They really start my day off on a positive note
Thank for this positive message. I will learn how to not take life so seriously. I will loosen up more and enjoy my life
Linda, That is wonderful to hear. God bless you and the joy in your life. ~ Karen
Thank you for the daily reminders. I love reading my positive starters yo the day! BTW – I received my rose quartz earrings and amethyst necklace. Beautiful. Love them both!
Thank you Karen, I know i slip up a bit now and again. But ido need the blessing and some good health to, please pray for me .
Thank you Chris reeves
Hi Chris, We are human … and are not perfect. Love yourself, forgive yourself … and then, move forward in a positive direction. I will be happy to include you in my prayers.
Sending lots of love to you,
~ Karen
I have two terminal diseases. I was given 5-10years which ended in 2017. I love the movie City of Angels as I truly believe that my angels are with me. I am fighting with everything I have. The pain is so excruciating but I know that there are so many people who are so much worse than I am. Every day is a gift and I am so blessed to celebrate with my family another birthday on July 4th. It is the power of prayer that has guided me through so very much and I appreciate any prayers.
What an incredible story. You truly understand the appreciation of each day … and have mastered the power of intention. God bless you!
~ Karen
Thank you so much
Thank you! Have a wonderful day Karen! I am open to all of God’s blessings and those of his angels of love and light.
Thank you Angels!!Love and Light!!
Thank You!
I sure hope so, I need blessings more than anything right now
Thank you for the reminder! Love my cards from you each morning
Thank You Angels for always Blessing me!
As always the messages are always right on time. Definitely what I needed today. Thank you Angels for always being a blessing to me and and guiding me with your words of wisdom. Thank you Karen for sending us these words of guidance from our Angels.
I look forward to these daily Angel messages
Thank you! Blessings to You