

Your Angels have been reaching out to you through “signs.”

A SIGN is a strong directive to notice something.

Signs often begin small and subtle, like a white feather. When you acknowledge the signs, your Angels are able to bring you divine guidance. They can help with decisions, direction, and even protection. 

If you are not paying attention, your Angels will need to increase their efforts to communicate their messages. One little feather may not be enough for you to see. Perhaps a basket of feathers will be more noticeable. If not, they will try again … watch for a much larger sign! 

When you do see your signs, you can ask your Angels for their meaning. The more you ask them for clarity, the clearer your communication will become. Your Angels have been with you since you were born, so they are able use your life experiences for you to interpret the signs. Your sign will bring a thought of a past experience, or a feeling. Use your own intuition to understand its meaning. 

Watch for the signs from your Angels. They have messages to share with you. 

(Click here for the most common Signs from Angels.)

Alternative Meanings: Your Angels are reaching out to you now.  Contact from a Deceased Loved One. You are not listening. Stubbornness/close-minded. Be more receptive.


I acknowledge the love and guidance from my Angels.
I am open to receive their signs now.


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  1. rose ann

    GD evening Karen I’m open to recieving my message from my angels I’ve bn feeling down and at a loss as there’s a lot of negative things happening in my life at the moment ..i lost faith in my angels n belief but I know now I’m not alone n my angels are always wth me ..luv n light

    • Karen Borga

      Rose Ann,
      How about asking your Angels for confirmation they are still there? I know when I ask for signs, it brings me so much pleasure getting the message. This will help you get back into your positive energy. Your Angels can help steer you out of it! They did it for me.
      ~ Karen

    • LISA

      Good Sign reading today

    • Linda F Phillips

      I love to see the Red Cardinal. I always think of my DAD. When I see it I realize I am not alone no matter what is going on for that moment. Thank you so much for reminding me how important they are when they appear!!!

    • Justine Pina

      I found a white feather that was in my path as I left work yesterday. I know that it is a sign from my Angels. I think I will ask for more clarity today when I speak to them. I have been a little down because I have been dealing with my husbands illness for a couple weeks now. I know getting this card reading today is also a message from them. Thank you Karen and Frank.

      • Karen Borga

        Hi Justine,
        Please take time to care for yourself too. It is not good for anyone, if you deplete all your positive energy. Fill up yourself with some high vibrational activities (don’t feel guilty). It will bring healing energy to your husband, too.

        Ask for help so you can get away for a bit.
        Love ~ Karen

        • Elizabeth Jones

          We buried a much loved family member this week and the very next day, I opened my back door to literally 15 to 20 white feathers and the next day Robins visited me all day and almost flew at me. What could it mean? Much love x

    • Roe

      Thank you so much for this message. I needed to read it today.
      I have been feeling so lost, overwhelmed and just so much stress. No more ! Things have to start changing.
      I will keep my eyes more “open for signs” common signs from Angels .
      What a beautiful Angelic Message today and AFFIRMATION.
      As always thank you for your daily guidance
      Blessings to you

      • Karen Borga

        Hi Roe, Congratulations for getting to the place that you no longer want what you have. That is an amazing place to be … now the world is open to you …. you finally know you want to move in a different direction. Sending lots of love to you!! ~ Karen

    • Theresa

      Amen thank you Angels

    • Theresa

      Many many thanks with grTitude

    • Theresa

      Amen thank you Angels❤

    • Theresa

      Amen with Gratitude❤

      • Karen Borga

        Have a wonderful day!
        ~ Karen

      • Karen Borga

        Hi Jeanette!
        You too. ~ Karen

    • Theresa

      Thank you so much universe

    • Theresa

      Thank you Angels

    • Theresa

      Thank you Angels❤❤❤❤

      • Tina Rupert

        Help me see, In Jesus name Amen

  2. Teri Peterson

    This was a much needed message today! I need to pay more attention to their signs.
    Thank you so much! Blessings

  3. Andrea B

    Thank you! Perfect for right now!

    • Karen Borga

      Hi Andrea, Thank you for stopping by. Come back soon. ~ Karen

  4. Mary

    Seeing the cardinal on your page made me think of my dad. I have been praying a lot for a spiritual sign that I am finally walking the right path. I am alone without a soulmate for the first time in my life. I have been praying for the angels to bring me that perfect person. But maybe I am meant to be alone to serve my path . Any thoughts.

    • Karen Borga

      Hi Mary,
      Find your joy. It is when you are truly living life with excitement and passion that you are your trueself.

      It is there that you will be a vibrational match for a soulmate … if at the time … you even still wish to have one.

      Enjoy your freedom to be you. You have much love and guidance from spirit world. You are not alone.

      Love ~ Karen

      • Mary

        Many blessings back at you thank you. From one believer to another every once in a while we just need that little sign.

  5. Sally

    That was a beautiful reading. I always look out for feathers. I feel very down today and tearful. To get the message it will help me through this time. I will await my next feather sign. Thank you

    • Karen Borga

      Hi Sally,
      Sending you lots of positive energy today. It’s okay to be down sometimes. Love yourself.
      Blessings ~ Karen

  6. moejoe401

    Thank you for these Angelic Messages. I look forward to hearing from you and Frank today. Love Thursdays with you 🙂

  7. Terry

    Than you, Karen. I am patiently watching for signs from my husband, and the red cardinal was always one of his favorite bird feed visitors. I lost him just after Midnight on Christmas morning two years ago, and miss him terribly. The amethyst pendants I ordered last week arrived yesterday, and I have it on now, and the other is ready for my granddaughter’s visit in a few weeks. Thanks so much for your daily messages.

  8. April A.

    Dear Karen,
    I just wanted to say Thank you. Coming here to your site brings a sense of calm, recently with increased emotions, I find myself looking for any peace or spiritual fulfillment in that moment. I watch your live readings you post with Frank and actually shared with friends and they too now watch. You both are very much appreciated.

    • Karen Borga

      Thank you April. I am happy to know the work I do brings joy to others. Blessings to you and all you do ~ Karen

  9. Linda F Phillips

    Thanks for the excellent reading today. This signs reminds me of my Dad.. When he passed 14 yrs ago I would see them all the time . I would know he was with me and I was not alone.

    Have a Blessed Weekend


  10. Linda F Phillips

    I always think of my father who has passed away 14 years ago.


  11. Stacey C. Smith

    Hi Karen,
    I’ve Been Feeling Kind Of Lost For Quiet Awhile Now & Now I Do Believe Angels Are Watching Over Me .

  12. Rosie

    Thank you, I will be more observant fur digns

  13. Melody Reighard

    Thank u for that message. I have been hearing some light knocking and when I go to look no one is there.

  14. Melody

    Karen, Thank you for the reading. I do believe in angels and will be listening for there signs. Really wondering if the knocking last night was them trying to get my attention. Cause no one was at my door knocking when I went to look.

  15. Linda

    Thanks for this wonderful message. I will continue to look for message from haven.


  16. Linda

    I am filled with gratitude and thankful for being alive and well… Happy Thanksgiving


  17. Donna

    Thank you for this reading and the reminder. Be blessed.

  18. Linda

    I am grateful to receive messages and I am becoming more receptive.


    can you please help,2 nights ago a bright green orb with a red outline appeared on my kitchen wall tiles and began to spin,then it began to move across the window blind and up to and across the ceiling,it moved across the ceiling about 3/4 way across and then it got smaller and faded.i sensed a bit of peace from It and then last night,my 8 year old niece had a bright green orb with a blue outline appear on her homework book as she was doing her homework,it moved across to her mum(my sister) and up her arm,then over to the window and then back to the homework book and stayed there for a few niece couldn’t understand why her mum and dad couldn’t see it.i believe in angels and orbs but I know nothing about the meanings of coloured gave various mum died 7 weeks ago.can you help us understand the meaning of these coloured orbs please.Thank you.

    • Karen Borga

      Hi Geraldine,
      I am not an orb expert. I have had many experiences with them.

      I was with a woman who can tell when they are around … and take a photo of them … she intuitively knows they are there. Blew my mind. She did it three times while I was with her for lunch.

      When I was in Sedona, a photo was snapped of me with a very colorful geometric shaped orb over my head. On another occasion, videos were taken of Frank and me with white orbs whizzing around the room.

      Frank and I went orb hunting in the local park, and both snapped a photo of an orb that was in one frame and gone the next.

      When I am trying to figure out new experiences, I feel it in my heart first. You did that. You felt peace. It came to you and your niece which makes me think it is connected to both of you in some way. Both of you are intuitive, that’s for sure.

      Spend some quiet time … eyes closed, just breathing … and ask who/what that was … trust your answer. (I believe you already know.)

      Blessings to you and all you do ~ Karen

  20. Stephanie M

    Loved my message today! Signs from above! I try to recognize and validate the signs I receive. In the last 3 years, I have lost my husband, My Aunt, and most recently my daughter. I talk to them every day on my walks and when I’ home. They always send me a sign that they hear me whether it be Butterflies, Dragonflies, coins etc. Makes me feel peace even though I still miss them but I know they walk with me in Spirit.
    Thanks so much for all you and Frank do. Stay safe
    much love

  21. Heather Stockwell

    Thank you and many blessings always 🙂

  22. Theresa

    Thank you Angels

  23. Raelonna

    Signs from a o e, two days before my birthday and an I weary -0 years. 1 day from when I got the call.


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