Your Angels want to look at where you are standing right now. Have you been hiding from responsibilities or avoiding to take steps towards security? It is time to look at them square in the face.
Obligations unattended are heavy burdens. Bills left unpaid weigh you down, too. Negative people who take your energy leave you depleted. All of these things, keep you on unstable ground.
It is time to look at all of your worriments. Begin to release what are not for your highest good.
Your Angels are here to help you lightened your load. Ask them for assistance. They will be a great aide.
Alternative Meanings: Someone will ask you for help. Take steps to remove negativity from your life. Debt is paid. Make a well informed decision. Don’t take a gamble.
I AM grounded and steady where I stand.
I AM safe and secure. I AM in charge of me.

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Thank you so much for these readings!!!
this is so true. It hit me right on the top of my head. Thanks my angels and thank you Karen.
Thank you,I needed this today!
Thanks for the reading. It helped validate what I am feeling and doing.
I love both of you thank you so much for your inspiration and whenever I can I get one of Frank’s $11 readings are very good and they are full of information
Hi Dolores,
Thank you for this testimonial. Sending lots of love to you.
~ Karen
Thank you so much for these readings.
Hi Ann,
You are very welcome.
Blessings for your day ~ Karen
I love these readings. I truly missed them. Thank,you for posting again.
this was much needed today. Thank you angels!
Thank you, its greatly amazing how things can be true, i absolutely need to step back. Angels, i need help.
yes thank you
Love the Message Thanks very much.
Thank you my angels for keeping my family safe from all the violence on our street.
I could not make it without God and the angels.
Thank you Karen
I join in prayer with you for peace in your streets, and safety in your home.
Thank you Angels for this blessing.
So be it, and so it is.
~ Karen
I thank the Angels for this message. I love to help others and I stay away from negative people and negative energy. Debt is always paid and taking a gamble is not my lifestyle. I praise God for working his goodness in me and for creating me to have a purpose on this earth to always help others.
God Bless You for your work through God and His Angels, Karen
thank you so much for the reading. I would love to see a red feather fall on the ground!!!
Thank you
Thanks for the lovely message. I need to release negativity thoughts and people in my life
Wow….I was given the exact answer that I needed for my answer….”A Red Feather” There have been so many rights from the card I choose, actually all the numbers have been spot on. Thank You
Thanks, Karen, Hit the nail on the head this morning as always!!
I needed this today so appropriate for me at the moment,thankyou so much xxx❤️
Thankyou my Angels !!im working on it.
Amazing! Thank you x
Thank you, have a lovely day
Hi Jeanette,
Thank you. You as well!
Blessings ~ Karen
Lostinhugo@yahoo. TY HAGD
Amen thank you Angels❤
Thank you have a blessed new year
Thank you . I look forward to my messages from my Angels.
God Bless You
Thank you , blessings
Thank you, have a lovely day and enjoy
Time to do something, blessings
Good reading, blessings
I am in charge, thank you and have a lovely day
Liked this reading, blessings
Hi Jeanette! Have a wonderful day. ~ Karen
This reminds me to keep my feet firmly on the ground, have a lovely day
Amen yes thank you Angels❤
Gratitude thank you
Thank you and have a lovely day
Thank you Angels
Thank you so much . You’re so helpful and everything resonates
This was much needed today – thank you.
Thank you for stopping by. It is the people who use them, and the comments that they leave that make this rewarding for me. ~ Karen
I look forward to these messages each day, they are always perfectly timed. I love the new cards too! Thank you Karen❤️
Hi Karol,
Thank you so much. I really am enjoying the creation of them. Blessings to you. ~ Karen
Thank you so much. Angels are nice. God’s Peace, Victoria
Oh yes, they really are! ~ Karen
Amazing ~ this is so right on for me, as I have been working on feeling secure where I am at in my life.
Love My Angels & I Do Invoke them a lot. . .now it will BE Daily~ Blessings Always Karen
I Am So Grateful To Receive These Messages ~ 1st Day was right on !
Hi Debra Jo,
Thank you. Have a wonderful day! ~ Karen
Thank you. This is just what i needed to hear at just the right time.
Amazing. Exactly what I am going through. You and your husband are wonderful.
Hi Jackie, Thank you so much! Hope you come back soon. ~ Karen
Wonderful message ,thank you . love the Affirmation xx
Wow right on target today. I again releasing worries and my youngest son’s need to a higher power.
I enjoy these readings every day. Are you still making new cards to add?
I hope to! I loved making these. ~ Karen
Wow! This hits home for me I’ve been so down missing my 2 sons who both hung themselves 2 years apart 2016&2018. I miss placed my styjus yesterday and someone? told me in my head to look between my chair and the sofa OMG I had to look again like 3 times I couldn’t believe it another feather with the tip a yellow color. This is like the 8tg or 9th feather I had found. They always appear where ever I’m at. My so called boyfriend thinks I’m crazy cause Ive been diagnosed with bi-polar, major manic depressed and anxiety. I keep telling him it’s my Angel Rochelle coming to check on me again. I get so excited it’s unreal. I thought my Angel gave up on me but no way! I’m now reassured. I look so forward to reading what the Angels have to say I can hardly sleep. I usually get up around 5:00a.m..Im so glad y’all are around and as soon as I get my bank card in the mail I will be so grateful to be able to donate. Y’all are a blessing to me. Love, Karen Sue
I well be making wise decisions soon. Thanks for the message!!! Letting go of negatively…
So true, I needed this guidance! Thank you!
Wow. This is exactly how I feel today. Thank you for the reinforcement!
Hi Ellen,
Have a great day!
~ Karen
Thanks for this card it is a great reminder to be more observant of my surrounding and the people i interact with.
Thank you – I really need to see this affirmation today – How does one call out to their angels for help?
Simply say … Angels, please help me. They need your permission to help because you were born with free will.
~ Karen
Hi I’m needing to know what to do about a relationship I’m working on she is in Vietnam and we are talking we know each other pretty good and I’m needing to know whether it will work out for us and will she be here in America with me soon or pray for us please let me know thanks God bless you
Thanks for much needed message. I will release negative people and thoughts from my life. I will also let go of those things that are hindering my progress for growth.
Thank you for all that you do!
Happy New Year!
Thanks for the message. I need to pay more attention of what is going on around me.
Thanks for this message
This message hit right on target. I need to concentrate on alot more things especially financially end.
Thanks for the Message….I am willing to help anyone who ask me for help.
God bless you ~ Karen
This is a much needed and timely message for me to do what I need to in order to remove the great stress that has been burdening me for far too long. Sometimes you just have to let go and let God. It’s an ending, but it’s also a beginning. Thank you for the much needed light work you do for the world. Blessings from The Hermit’s Journey. ❤️
Thank you so much for this reading really will help me focus on all the negativity around me
Good morning!
Thank you
Thank you for this amazing card I am grateful Blessings to you ❤️
Thanks for the card on point. We are headed for my husbands labs to insure cancer has not come back. Thanks Angels and Karen !