Angels Reach Out To Us In Many WaysANGELS ARE GOD’S GIFT TO US
We are never alone, although we may feel as though we are. God has sent his messengers of love to be with us throughout our lifetime. They are a precious gift he has given to us at birth.
Your Angels can send you signs in many ways. Often they come as feathers appearing out of nowhere, or Angel shapes in the clouds. By sharing your stories, you can awaken others to the presence of their loving Angels.
Rainbow Leads to White Feather | Angel Sign
Just when I was asking for a sign!
Angels’ Presence Above the Beach | Angel Sign
Angels watching over me for sure.
Blessings Come As Feather Clouds | Angel Sign
God conveys the message he has an eye on us through his angels.
AAsher’s Guardian Angel | Angel Sign
AAsher took a photo of his Guardian Angel during a turbulent flight.
Angel Cloud Reminds Me of My Dad
Spending quality time with a friend brings Angelic memories.
Young Son Sees Presence of Grandmother
Children can see Angel signs, too! Be open to receive them.
Miracles Come As Milkweed Seeds
When you invite Angels into your life, miracles happen every day.