What are you doing with your time?
Are you spending too much time in the past or intentionally creating a new present?
TIME – some say there is no such thing as time. Some people have too much time, and others not enough. Children feel that waiting one day is forever, Seniors feel years are blink of an eye.
What is certain is that with every passing moment, we have the opportunity to make something happen. Our choices create the paths we take. Fear is often the stone blocking our journey, keeping us in the past.
We can choose to stay still and let opportunities pass, or we can take steps towards new adventures. Today, your Angels want you to grab your walking stick. It’s time to go!
Alternative Meanings: You have been dwelling on a situation for too long; take action. Travel or vacation. Someone from your past may give you a call.
Now, is the time for me to make a move.
I am confident and prepared with Angels at my side.

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Thank you, I needed this today.
You are very welcome. Thank you for stopping by. Hope you will come again real soon. ~ Karen
Thank you my Angels for this beautiful message.
Thank you for the angel card readings!
Hi Angie!
You are very welcome. I love offering them. Have you tried the Daily Inspirational Emails? They include a message from your Angels as well as the link for your Daily Card Reading.
Have a lovely day.
~ Karen
Thank you. I’ve been stuck for a while, hopefully things are moving in the right direction. Love and blessings to you. ❤️
This was perfect for me. Have to get my walking stick out!
Thank you thank you! I really needed this today.
I love my daily Angel cards thank you so much
Yes this was so meaningful for me at this particular time. I have been living in the past so long with all the heartache I have had to endure with so many losses. Tine to not be afraid and move to another state and start over………………….
Just what I needed today Karen, Thank you..
Yes I am inclined to live in the past a lot as they were beauytiful times then. Have a lovely day
This was sooo spot on, Its time to move on & stop dwelling in the past & worry about the future . Debbie in NJ
Thank you and blessings to you
Thank you
This is hitting home right now. Great reading. I believe this is a sign telling me to do what I’ve been meaning to do for a while now
I do waste a lot of time , have a lovely day
Thank You Karen, would be interested in daily emails Please. That would be great Thank You again, Have a Blessed Day!!
Good reading for me , thank you and have a lovely day
Thank you so much for this reading have a lovely day
Have a lovely day
Thank you have a lovely day
Thank you Karen. That was exactly what I needed . ❤
Thankyou you dont know how apt this is as i move house next week
Thank you so much
So needed this,thanking you
The passage of time message has come up twice for me in the last two weeks . The Angels are truly bringing this wonderful message to my attention for a reason. Thank you Angels and Thank you Karen . I also love the affirmation which i have written down for safe keeping to use again.
Even though I am reading this today 4/15/2019, I know it was mentioned for me to read, and about a friend calling ,well they messaged me saying basically I need a few days off, come visit…. With all the things going on in my life right now it’s very hard, don’t even have time for myself. Ty Karen
Hi Wanda,
That is how Angels work. They use so many different vehicles to get their message to you. So glad you received it.
Blessings to you ~ Karen
Powerful reading that got my attention. Thank you. Have a blessed dY
I’m at a crossroads right now and need this extra guidance. Thank you ever so much
Bedankt ❤️❤️❤️
Hi Gisele,
You are very welcome.
Blessings to you,
~ Karen
aww lovely message and so true xx
Hi Diane,
Have a beautiful day!
~ Karen
Thank you. I am getting a lot of messages about time lately… seems like I just do not have enough time for everything I need to do…. what I do know, is, I have to take a bit of time out! If I can find the time….
Hi Adele,
What if an emergency happened? Something that was unavoidable that made you have to uncommit to everything for a period of time.
Consider your need for a “time out” just that!
Blessings to you ~ Karen
I needed this today. My daughter has told me to move more has been telling me this for a long time. Now my Angels are here also with the same message. Guess its true. Thank you Ann
Hi Ann,
Sometimes we need to hear a message more than once to have it really sink in. Happens to me all the time!
Blessings to you ~ Karen
Thank you xx
I really needed this today .
Thank you, it means so much to me right now!
Hi Mary,
I am so glad you were able to receive the message you needed.
Blessings to you ~ Karen
After a very sad week, this is what I needed to encourage me to change my thoughts and move forward today with optimism.
Hi April,
Sending positive vibes to you!
~ Karen
Looking forward to these messages from Angels.
Thank you Karen.
Wonderful message, thank you xx
Thank you for the daily inspirational messages. So helpful in many ways ♥️♥️
Love this message ,time is so important in our lives more so at the moment for myself as everything is moving swiftly I resonate wholeheartedly with this message , thank you Angels ,thank you Karen xx
My gosh this is what I have been praying to My Guardian Angel help me with! I spoke to my Angel just before I picked a card. Thank you.
I have been struggling recently with stuff in my past,that I know have kept me from moving forward.So to see this made me cry.I know I have Angels by my side.Thank you.
Seize the day! Thank you.
Wow, so well timed. I have wasted the past few months doing nothing, and said to myself I can’t continue wasting time and “if I passed tomorrow, what would I say to myself about this time?” Thankyou xx
Thank you for this beautiful message!
Hello, thank you for this message. I tend to get stuck in the past. It’s hard for me but I know I need to move forward I needed this message!
Rosie G
Thank you for this Karen, def needed to hear that. Love & blessings to you & Frank xx
Hi Jacqui,
Angel are amazing!
~ K
Hi Karen,
Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.
Wow this reading is so accurate right now,I e been struggling with life changing decision I need to make for a while now.
Very true of my current situation… I need t be told this EVERYDAY until I succeed in moving on! Ty! God Bless
Thanks for this wonderful message. I need to quit looking back in the past. It is time to move on to better things because I believe my God has not brought me this for to leave me. It is time to let go and look to the future for bigger and a brighter day!!!!!
Perfect motivational & inspiring message! Makes my day! Thank you!
I had a very important decision to make and was still procrastinating. I asked for confirmation and received it, but still procrastinated. Confirmation again, so I took the needed step to secure a better future. I am confident that with god and my angels I will have a better future. I would like to learn how to place a shield of protection around me and those I love. I pray about it and ask Archangel Michael to remove all negativity, but I am not sure I am doing this right.
Any ideas, email me. Thanks and blessings, Namaste
Thank you!! This was perfect and fitting to my day today! I needed this! Xoxoxo
Thank you so much for your reminder- do not live in the past. Keep moving forward!
Yes considering a move to be closer to family after the passing of my husband a few days ago.
Thank you Karen, just what I needed to read!! a lot more difficult to know what move to make!!! I will have to put more trust in my Angels…..
So needed this,thanking you
What a beautiful message for me today! Today is my birthday. 67 comments here and that is also my birth year 1967! Thanks to all my angels for all of the beautiful blessings showered upon me today!
I needed to read this today. I am trying to move forward after the death of my husband in January. My emotions are all over the place. His death was sudden and I have been in state of feeling sad, lonely, and overwhelmed. My whole life has been turned upside down and I am trying to adjust to this new reality. Thank you Angels I know I have to move on.