ANGEL VidClips
The Light Within You: Trusting Your Inner Radiance
Your inner light is always present, even in moments of doubt. Trust in your radiance, and allow your angels to guide you toward embracing the brilliance of your soul.
Angel Cards for February 1st
Divine Guidance from Your Angels to assist you in manifesting a more positive life.
Angel Cards for January 31st
Divine Guidance from Your Angels to assist you in manifesting a more positive life.
The Sacred Pause: Finding Clarity in the Present Moment
Clarity arrives in the stillness of the present moment. When you embrace the sacred pause, you create space for divine guidance and inner peace.
Angel Cards for January 30th
Divine Guidance from Your Angels to assist you in manifesting a more positive life.
Your Soul’s Awakening Reflection
Your soul is awakening, guiding you toward growth and deeper self-awareness. By pausing for reflection and trusting your angels, you allow divine wisdom to illuminate your path.
Angel Cards for January 29th
Divine Guidance from Your Angels to assist you in manifesting a more positive life.
Awakening Through Kindness
Kindness is a divine force that awakens the soul, strengthens connections, and raises your vibration. Your angels encourage you to lead with love, knowing that each small act of kindness creates ripples of healing and joy.
Karen’s Blog Posts
Easiest Way to Start Meditating – Guided Meditations
No more excuses, you can get started meditating right away with guided meditations. They will keep your active mind busy will allowing spiritual benefit.
Affirmation for Courage and Strength – Archangel Michael
Light your Archangel Michael Candle and use the included affirmation and add your own words to invite his divine protection.
What Your Ailments Mean Metaphysically
An Ailment Chart to determine what is truly ailing you!
10 Common Signs From Angels
Are Your Angels Leaving You Messages?