You are energetically connected to other people. Family, friends, co-workers and even strangers experience the influence of your vibrational field. And you are influenced by theirs.
Your relationships are a reflection of how you feel about yourself. If you find yourself surrounded by love and respect, you are vibrating at a high frequency. Contrary, if you are a victim, often feel taken advantage of, and don’t feel you are appreciated, you are emanating a low frequency.
When you shift your vibration to a higher level, by doing things that bring you joy, the lower energy will not remain strongly connected. Low energy will be repelled like the polar ends of a magnet.
Low energy attracts low energy. High energy attracts high energy. In a high frequency, you attract positive people, health, abundance and more happiness.
Ask your Angels to help you remain vibrating high. Request Angelic Energy Boosts when you need it.
Alternative Meanings: New relationship. Successful business partnership. Don’t allow someone else to lower your vibration to match theirs. Negative people will leave your life.
I emanate a high vibrational energy, repelling all that is not a frequency match for me.
I attract loving, respectful and caring relationships into my life.

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Thank you Angels of Relationships . Thank you Karen for this wonderful message ,much appreciated . Bless you
Have a lovely day! ~ Karen
Thank you
I love this message
thank you .. i needed to see this .
Thank you!!
You are very welcome. Have a blessed day ~ Karen
Thank you Karen! Great message!
Good Morning
Thank you for the beautiful bless reading. I love it.
Have a beautiful bless day
Hi Nilda,
Thank you. Enjoy this glorious day, too!
~ Karen
Hi Karen!
I’m so happy that the Angel Messages are back! Thank you!
Hi Kathy! Thank you. Me too. Have a lovely day. ~ Karen
I just don’t k ow when I am speaking (or hearing) my angels. I believe I stumbled upon you a couple years ago when I was constantly finding feathers. I can see signs… but how do I get a deeper connection?
This card was def a sign. I was literally thinking about this before I happened to swing by your site.
Thank you Angels of Relationships for bringing that information to my attention.
Please help me to vibrate at a high frequency daily.
Many Blessing
Thankyou my Angels !!
Thankyou my Angels .I truly needed this.
Thanks for this lovely message i need to attract more positive energy
Thanks for the much needed message how to discern about relationships and how to keep my energy level high
Awesome message!! Thank you so much.
Thank you I am inclined to let this happen
A good reading thank you
thank you for this reading
Love the card readings. Have a lovely day
Thankyou right on
Excellent message! Thank you. Love and Light.
Amen yes thank you Angels❤
So Grateful to My Angels!! Relationships, Love, Happiness, Abundance, Health, with all the blessings AND corrections
May Blessing Abound for You Karen & Frank, Many thanks for sharing with the world ❤
Ty beautiful card!♥️
Thank you so much for the wonderful message……:):)
Hi Sonali,
Have a wonderful day!
~ Karen
Beautiful message , thank you xx
Have a lovely day! ~ Karen
Thanks for the message of relationships I will invite more people into my life with positive vibrations and hope those with negativites intention move on
Thank you for the angelic messages…I look forward to them!! Have a blessed Easter!
Hi Maryann,
You are very welcome.
Have a lovely Easter!
~ Karen
Thank you for the beautiful reading.
Have a beautiful bless day
So true! Thank you!
You’re welcome … have a blessed day! ~ Karen
This one also resonated with me right now, as I’m struggling badly with PTSD due to relationships and trauma that happened with those. In addition to asking my angels for help, what are other ways to raise my vibration?
I have a few videos on “raising your vibration” … put the word “raise” in the site’s search for the other ones.
Here is one to start with http://karenborga.com/raise-energy/
Blessings to you ~ Karen
Thank you Karen , I’m going with the flow and being positive within my relationships , thank you Angels xx
Thank you Karen. I’m going with the flow and being positive with my relationship with others . Thank you Angels xx
Thank you Karen & the Angels. Just love your cards & their uplifting messages Karen. You & Frank have a beautiful day.
Beautiful Message, thank you, God Bless You and Frank xx
Thank you Karen,
Beautiful message, I needed to hear that. God Bless You
Hi Fran,
You are very welcome.
God bless you ~ Karen
Thank you for your daily encouragement.
Thank you xx
I love doing these daily card picks and the messages they bring. Thank you!!
Thanks you angels
Thank you the perfect reading for me for today
Love this card. Thanks., again.
Thank you for this wonderful message I can tell when I around someone with low energy
I start to feel low too. I love being around individual with high energy they make me feel Happy and excited .
Thanks for the message of New Relationships that are entering my life. I have made new friends and may I continue to vibrate on a high frequency. I accept all new relationships coming into my life that are helping me to excel to the next level.
Thanks for t he great message….I am building new relationships.
I will allow Love Peace and Happiness to flow in my life right now
I align with your intentions!! ~ Karen
Thank you for this message. I needed this because even though I try my relationship with my daughter has been real rocky the past year.
Thank you Karen I love receiving messages from you and the angels.
Thanks for the message…I pray all negative people leave my life<<<
Thank you Karen. I really enjoy the readings & find them very uplifting
Thankful and grateful for this message from my Angels ! A confirmation on what I’m experiencing in my life at this moment ♀️
Thank you
What about if that low energy is your son and you are being pushed away how do you handle that….. my heart is so broken only child just me and him growing up but he has turned into this negative force that only hurts me. I have to sneak over to see my grandsons!!
This is draining all my positive energy I need help finding me again and what do I do about my son? Any suggestions would be grateful
This is what I needed on all forms. And frequencies! Thank you God and Thank you Angels!
Especially today, I needed to hear this!
Thank you!
Thank you for your blessings Angel of Relationships! Keep me of high vibration. Keep me surrounded by the energy, and people that I need always, help me to see the difference, and feel, and know the difference, as well as let go of the ones who don’t belong!