Your Angels want you to recognize your true radiance. You were born with a gift of “Love Light” inside of you. Allow your brilliance to shine as beacon of hope for others.
All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish a single candle flame.
~ St. Francis of Assisi
Many people are finding the current energy changes challenging. In your presence, they will feel a vibrational shift. There is no need for you to do anything more than smile and be present while you are with them. You are an Earth Angel, a human messenger of LOVE.
Ask your Angels for guidance and protection as you bring much needed LIGHT into our world.
Alternative Meanings: Spiritual Awakening. A mentor will come in your life, You will see things from a different perspective. Consider career as an Energy Healing and Spiritual Teacher.
I live in the LIGHT of LOVE.
I radiate and spread the LIGHT of LOVE.

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Thank you so much for your daily cards. They brighten my day.
Thank you for using them. It has been a two year project. Blessings to you. ~ Karen
This card really hits close to home. I have been leaning toward the Healing/Shaman view.
Oh how wonderful. Frank and I studied with a Lakota elder. We learned their philosophy and the tradition of sweat lodges. Blessings to you ~ Karen
Thank you for the cards , they are a blessing
Thank you. Happy Easter. Namaste
Happy Easter to you! ~ Karen
I look forward to get a message of the Angel’s. It make my day and very day. Make me open my eyes.
I love what you do for others.
Hi Maria,
Thank you. I love doing it.
~ Karen
Thanks for the message I am becoming a teacher to work with special needs children and let me also a spiritual teacher to them also. Many blessings
Ty. Very inspirimg.
Thanks for this message.
Thank you for this positive message.
Hi Fran,
Please come back again soon.
Blessings to you ~ Karen
❤️❤️❤️ Last night was getting ready to send distant Reiki to a woman in Florida All of a sudden a brilliant flash of light traveled across my ceiling!! (All curtains shut for night so not car lights). I knew immediately she would be healed! I then sent Reiki along with my distant Reiki group. Then this morning I picked Angel of Light Card! You just can’t make this stuff up!!! Miracles abound!
Thank you!
Oh Sue,
That is awesome! It has been a long time since I have seen those miracles with my eyes open. What a true blessing!
~ Karen
thank you for these besutiful words ❤️
Thank you !
I like this .
Thank you Karen. I love your messages and affirmations.
Thank you so much for a wonderful card from the Angels. They are so important to me
I always love your messages
Thank you Jeanette. Have a lovely day! ~ Karen
Dear Karen, thank you ever so much for this daily reading from the angels . It is truly a blessing ❤️
Thank you so much for the reading to day. Its brighten my day.
Have a beautiful bless day.
Love the message. It is spot on.
Thank you so much, Karen
Thank you Karen, I look forward every day to read the Angel’s message, it is uplifting.
Thank you, your readings are always spot on
Perfect way to start my day. Thank you Angel of Light!
Thank you for the lovely message I just received
Thank you kindly❤
Thank you..I needed this today!
Blessings to you and thank you
Thank you, blessings to you
Have a wonderful day! ~ Karen
Amen thank you
Thank you
Just simply amazingly beautiful! Thank you x
I look forward to your reading everyday as our family has been through difficult time emotionally and financially as youngest daughters marriage failed. She has 2 young girls 10 and 4. We pray to angels everyday for guidance and help thank you x
Thank you, have a lovely day
Thank you so much
A good reading, thank you, have a beautiful day
Thank you Amen❤
Made my day thank you
I needed this reminder, thank you and blessings
This is beautiful thank you
Thank you. This is so right for where I’m at right now. For days now the word bright surrounds me, now this card.
I’ve been told this before now I believe it!!! Thank you!!!!!
Blessings to you also
Appreciated this reading, have a lovely day
Sending lots of love to you. ~ K
Beautiful! Xxx
Have a lovely day
With love n gratitude
So very beautiful x
Much love n light to all, Blessed be❤
Ty so much, needed this today! I AM LIGHT♥️
Thank you Karen for these wonderful messages.
Card 3, Thank you for this beautiful reminder. ❤️
Thank you so much, cards 3 was spot on, things have been awful recently its good to know the angels are with me ❤️
How does one become a spiritual
Teacher or energy healer? Frank did an email reading for me and he said in a past life I was a healer.
Hi Janet,
Find a teacher you resonate with … and learn from them. When you feel like you are competent in the knowledge and experience, you can teach.
How exciting! You could start with Reiki … I am sure there are teachers near you.
~ Karen
Wonderful .. AMEN Blessings.
Happy Easter, Karen and Frank!
Thank you for all that you do 🙂
This reading was truly needed at this time.Thank you.
Thank you for the wonderful message. It made my day!!:):)
Thank you Karen for today’s card. I am feeling a bit down today, God Bless You and Frank 🙂
I pray the Angels find a way to lift your spirits.
~ Karen
Thank you Karen so much for your cards, love receiving & reading them..look forward to them every day.
You are very welcome. Blessings to you.
~ Karen
Thank you so much for this lovely message from the Angels!! 😀 Same for you and Frank too
Hi Jimmy,
Have a wonderful day!
~ Karen
I will accept the new changes that is coming in to my life with gratitude
Thank you Karen, I enjoy your messages. I love the card today, I try to shine my light every day. Love and Light.
Hi Anna,
Oh how wonderful. You are a blessing.
~ Karen
Spiritual teacher? I have never thought about this!
Right now I am reading Carlos Castaneda’s books and practicing Tensegrity.
Well, let me reflect about it for a while.
I Love This Card.
Thank you
Thank you for the Beautiful God Wink
Thank you for your gorgeous Angels cards Love them ❤️❤️
This is my favorite card thus far!❤
Love this beautiful message. Thank you Angel of Light, thank you Karen xx
Lovely! Thank you.
Thank you for such a positive card xx very much appreciated x
Thank you, Karen! Lately, I’ve been on a deep Spiritual Path and I do hesitate with exactly everything that I received for The Angel of Light! Spirit is teaching me to slow down, breath deeply and to let go of all preconceived ideas concerning my future! Spirit is continually guiding my steps into unknown territories and giving me comfort and assurance that He is with me along with my angels with signs of feathers at my feet and rainbows in the sky
Thank you, Karen. You are certainly an earth angel / light in my world.
Thank u this message make me smile , cuz i love the light of, love ..
Hi Karen. Even though I live in Australia and I’m 16 hrs ahead of you timewise I enjoy your cards each day
Hi Barbara,
So glad the Angels are still able to give you a message even though you are on the other side of the world. Sending lots of love to you.
~ Karen
Thank you for angel card reading. They have great meanings for me and give me optimism.
Thanks for this message. I need to learn to appreciate all the lesson I have learned along the way. I want to be a beacon of light in my classroom of special needs.
Thank you for your daily readings I look forward to them every day for encouragement
Thank you angels for your love, guidance and protection . Wishing all much love and energy this holiday season❤️
Thanks so much for these daily cards . Every morning I look forward to reading the card I am told to read. Always makes my day. Love you Karen and always keep you in my prayers. ♥️
Hi Patricia,
Have a wonderful day!
~ Karen
Thank you my friend this has been an answered prayer for me!!!7!!! I truly love your beautiful cards of divine guidance & love!!!7!!! Much love to you, Frank & the family!!!7!!!
Thanks for this message
This is beautiful & resonates even more to me as today I took a detour and drive past A Church named after St. Francis of Assisi and with this card he is quoted ♥️ Thank you for these positive morning gestures
Hi Susan,
I love when synchronicities happen … I know I am on the right path.
Blessings ~ Karen
I am learning to see things as a new perspective. I will keep my energy level positive and always give thanks
Oh Linda,
That’s wonderful. The more you focus on seeing positive around you. The more you will see. The happier you will be. It is life changing.
Blessings to you ~ Karen
Thanks for being here
Thank you. These readings seem to hit the mark on most days. And when they don’t, I just have to wait till the next day, it makes sense to me then in hindsight. Today, again, I’m being guided to energy healing. It’s probably time to listen, before I get shoved!
I didn’t have a chance to read this earlier today. But I am an HR manager and through this crisis I have been trying to alleviate the fears some of our employees have. I pray each day for everyone’s well-being and I always hope I can provide a little light of hope for them
Thank You I Love Angels I feel so Great ❤️
Thanks for the message. I will accept my mentor with open arms and appreciate all the much needed help.
One of my highest spiritual gifts on the test is healing. As of years ago. I can sense and feel energy. I am feeling the need to get back to this.
I can see you are a healer simply by looking at you. ~ K
Thank you for this. I needed the reminder.
Beautiful! And right on the mark…challenging times to keep our vibration high. I do self reiki and always feel better….
Thank you! God Bless!
God bless you!!
Thank You! You had a birthday just 3 days before mine. Hope you had a great birthday and everyday!
Oops Karen….don’t know why I thought the date posted was your birthday….lol
Love my message from spiritual card
Angel of light! Thank you!
Thank you
Love this Angel of Light. I needed this today!
Thank you…sending Love & Light! All the best blessings to you and Frank.
Thank You.
Enjoy your Day-!!!
I had the most amazing experience. While taking my dog out, a black and blue butterfly kept flying around me. It landed between my feet and just walked around. Then it started flying around me. It was like we were playing tag. I giggled and finally went inside, it then flew away. Amazing experience
Oh Robin … I just love when nature unexpectedly forces you into the present moment. What a gift!
~ Karen
Needed this today. Thank you