

The time of birth is approaching. Your Angels are asking you to make preparations now. They will help with guidance and inspiration to get everything ready. 

Consciously or unconsciously, you have been asking for change. Your actions have been moving you in that direction.  Your thoughts and actions have now culminated into the manifestation of something new. 

Not knowing what is coming can bring on concern. Release any fear you may have with this transition. Your Angels are letting you know this is a favorable move for you. Keep a positive perspective! 

Alternative Meanings: A job offer or career change. A birth of a child. Sale or purchase of a home. New relationship. Happiness.


Powerful changes are happening; I welcome and embrace them. 
With passion and joy, I am creating my own future. 


Did you enjoy this reading - let us know


  1. Susan

    This is a great reading for me as I am moving home! Been feeling a little apprehensive but it looks like that’s just my old stuff and that this is a good omen for me, thank you!

    • Karen Borga

      Hi Susan,
      May your move be easy … and your new home always be filled with love.
      ~ Karen

      • Anne

        I especially loved this reading today.

    • Leigh Lucy

      Hi Karen,
      I’m so pleased you are back. I have just applied for a new job in a new field. Thank you

      • Karen Borga

        Hi Leigh,
        Congratulations! So exciting.
        So much new is happening now.
        ~ Karen

        • Adrianna


          • Karen

            Thank you for your help and guidance.
            I am feeling anxious due to changes in my life,
            Tokays reading has made me feel a bit more positive and that my angels have got my back.
            Thank you.

        • Kelly

          I am going through a lot of career changes. I left a temporary job that I was in and developed health issues. I was off for a week and realized that I don’t want to live through that experience again to listen to my body when it’s telling me that I am in the wrong place. I just started a new job and don’t feel this is right for me. I considering moving to a new state and look for work there

      • Louise Walsh

        This has given me goose bumps. My baby’s heartbeat stopped 2 weeks ago at 9 months so I had to have surgery on monday. I have been waiting to move out my house for over 2 years and have had a call today I am priority number 2 on a house I really want. Reading this has is crazy xxx

        • Karen Borga

          Hi Louise,
          Angels messages still continue to amaze me too!
          Blessings to you and your new home,
          ~ Karen

          • Josephine

            Thank you the card was great

          • Karen Borga

            Hi Josephine,
            Have a wonderful day!
            ~ Karen

          • Nancy

            Perfect this is my confirmation for what I have been manifesting … my are always with me when I call on them .
            Happy New Year to all

    • Christine Scibilia

      Perfect, Thank You !!!

      • Caroline

        I am moving into a new house on Sunday! Thank you! Amazing! Xxx

    • jerri mclaughlin

      Yes I did enjoy this today. Thanks for the up lift to start my day!! Amen

    • Cindy Rizzo

      Thankyou my Angels

    • Beatrice Rice

      Good Morning!
      Yes, my reading was encouraging.
      Have a beautiful day.

      • Karen Borga

        Thank you … you too! ~ Karen

    • Pam

      This is the answer to my prayers. I am in a toxic marriage I have been trying to find a way to get out and trying to start my online business, as a source of income. Thank you and have a Blessed day.

    • Bobbie Frey

      Thank you so much, Karen!! loved this reading today!!

      • Karen Borga

        Hi Bobbie,
        Have a great day!
        ~ Karen

    • Theresa

      Thank you Angels Amen with gratitide

      • Julie

        Great reading! Very encouraging and uplifting. I feel changes coming.

    • Theresa

      Amen thank you Angels❤with gratitude

    • Theresa

      Right On Point !!

    • bobbie frey

      I needed this today, makes me feel better already!! Thank you Karen

    • Name *margarita

      Como anillo al dedo .! Muy asertivo mensaje de Los Ángeles.! Gracias infinitas.! Bendiciones

    • Janet

      Thank you lovely reading

    • Pamela

      Hoping to get good news regarding mon ey, thank you.

    • Theresa

      Thank you Angels.Needed❤

    • Theresa

      Yes thank you Angelswith gratitudeAmwn

    • Theresa

      Amen thank you Angels, with Gratitude❤

    • Theresa

      Amen I look forward to new adventures with love n gratitude❤

    • Theresa

      Amen blessed be thank you Angels‍♂️

    • Carol

      Thank you Karen. Hope you are feeling better. Miss you!

    • Nancy Torres

      This is amazing …it’s been a while since I been on this page , and this morning I selected my card to all three things I have been manifesting everyday . This is a true sign that my guides are with me , so emotional for right now . Thanks Karen

    • Theresa

      Amen blessed be

    • Rita

      I pray for happiness and love if change can help I embrace it with my Angels at my side ! Guiding me to new directions.. Thank you Karen !

    • Joyce

      This reading so speaks to me! I will be moving in the next couple of months to be closer to my family and I have been so overwhelmed about it, although, I am anxious to be closer to my daughter and my grand-kids and my great grand-baby! I have been getting many readings telling me that I am making the right decision. I do feel that these messages are good omens for me. Thank you so much!

      • Karen Borga

        Congratulations on your move! You are going to love your new home. Many blessings to you and your family. ~ Karen

    • Virginia Mamay

      Well Iam dealing with some health and anxiety because of the test I will be having and if all goes good for me I will be selling my house hopefully this year. Thank you

  2. Donna

    I recently signed up for the daily message and they all have been spot on! Today was especially on target as I’m beginning a new journey for better health. I also spoke to someone about job opportunities- so new beginnings all round! Thank you so much!

  3. Rhonda

    This reading is exactly what I needed to hear. I’m ready for new beginnings of financial stability.

    Thank you

    • Karen Borga

      Hi Rhonda,
      Thank you for visiting. Please come again soon!
      ~ Karen


      This made me feel SO MUCH BETTER! We have to be out of the house we are renting and we are not having ANY luck finding a home so far, it’s very scary, I’m especially worried about my 2 doggies Blue & Bella…. But this angelic reading put me at ease, and I will hold on to faith

  4. Angel Sirca

    thank you this reading is what i needed, I can feel change, just not sure where is going to happen.

    • Karen Borga

      Oh how exciting Angel!
      Sending much love for all the newness in your life.
      ~ Karen

    • Carol

      This reading was spot on as my Daughter will be giving Birth and day now. Thank You!

      • Karen Borga

        Oh Carol, Congratulations!! ~ Karen

      • Lorraine Sorrentini

        Lovely reading! I must seize the day…Thanks, have a Beautiful day.

  5. Ramona

    Boy, did I need to see this today!! This just lifted my spirits even though I’m not quite sure yet how these changes will come about yet; however, I can feel them in various areas of my life!!
    Thank you dear Karen

    • Karen Borga

      Hi Ramona!
      Stay positive and BELIEVE!
      ~ Karen

      • Linda

        Enjoyed this reading very much! Would like to move to a smaller house asap & expecting a new grandchild in the spring , so not far off with my prediction eh !! Xx

        • Karen Borga

          Hi Linda,
          Congratulations on all your new events! How wonderful.
          Blessings to everyone,
          ~ Karen

  6. Linda

    Thank you !!

    • Karen Borga

      Hi Linda,
      Have a wonderful day!
      ~ Karen

    • Kim

      Thank you so much, Karen. These Angel messages are spot on. I am so grateful because the card I picked was the perfect one to uplift me & confirm I’m on the right path! They always do! Sending you many blessings. Stay safe!♥️

      • Karen Borga

        Thank you for visiting. Many blessings to you ~ Karen

  7. Angela

    This card for New Beginnings suits me to a T right now. I am supposed to find out, this upcoming week, whether I have been approved for my FIRST property purchase.
    Prayers for God’s Will.. Thank you
    Karen, just to let you know …
    I love listening to you and Frank. Yall have said things and told me things, that were so close to being “Exact” that I believe you are in contact with Our Creator and Angels. Blessings to you both.

    • Karen Borga

      Congratulations – how exciting!!!
      And thank you. We love the work we do. We are blessed.
      ~ Karen

  8. Barbara Little

    Wow. My card was beginnings. After 27 months of widowhood I’m ready to find someone to make me smile again. A few days ago I was in a restaurant alone and this man came in and sat a few tables awY. He was also alone. It was my 21st wedding anniversary and I was having a difficult day. I asked this man if he’d like to join me to eat and we enjoyed one another’s company. We’ve gone out again and talk often on the phone. We seem to get along very well. He might just be what I need. We’re taking things slowly but here’s hoping this will go well. Thanks Karen for this special card.

    • Karen Borga

      Oh Barbara,
      I am so happy for you.
      Blessings for your new adventures.
      Love ~ Karen

  9. Pam Reynolds

    New beginnings…spot on!
    I have been very concerned about getting my new business location open and just got word we should be able to open the day after Memorial day! Everything about this has been blessed as I chose a location where I can assist others to start and build their healing business while building mine! I had every room filled less than 2 days after looking at the space without saying anything to anyone. Literally everything has fallen into place and everyone I have interacted with has given me another piece of the puzzle to complete the project. Thanks so much for the confirmation that I am being guided to exactly where I should be at this time!

  10. shirley

    Thankyou I’m presently selling my parents house The end of a very long and stressful period in my life .Hopeful this will help to alleviate my health symptoms a little and make life a little more comfortable.

  11. Stephanie M Lewis

    Love this card for today! Thanks again Karen Blessings

  12. Wanda Elizabeth Diaz

    Perfect reading for me, thank you. It gives me hope and strength to continue moving forward. I have been asking for change or a new beginning. Love and light!

  13. Sandy

    Thank you for this!! I’ve been on the fence about leaving my job for the summer to do private care. Too nervous to tell my boss.

  14. Charm

    This is what I really need now, a job opportunity.

  15. Agnes Kennington

    this is perfect card for me today as im moving house next house out with the old in with the new.thanks

    • Karen Borga

      Hi Agnes, Congratulations! How absolutely wonderful. Many blessings to you ~ Karen

    • Chandan Kumar Tripathy

      Yes what I have read today the same thing is in my mind.Hope this will happen in my personal life.Waiting for the same and after the things will happen surely I will comment again.

  16. Barbara Little

    I got new beginnings. This is perfect as I’m waiting for my first great grandchild to be born tonight.

    • Karen Borga

      Oh Barbara! Congratulations. Blessings to your new baby. ~ Karen

      • Anna

        Wow!! I’ve been praying on this everyday!

  17. Cheryl

    I was very drawn to this card. I have a feeling my one daughter-in-law may be pregnant and hasn’t told anyone yet. But I also have been seriously talking about selling my home and moving for the past few months. Here’s hoping my guardian angel sends me something good!

    • Karen Borga

      Congratulations for all your new beginnings! ~ Karen

  18. Justin Hysell

    I’m needing help with a relationship I’m working on I want it to manifest into something great she is not here but I would like to know if she will be coming here thank you so much

  19. Manon Baker

    So accurate !!!! I could have written this message by myself loll !!!
    And what about Divine timing.
    Two days ago I gave To my partner and I a reading and yours is one of the signs we had since then .
    I am grateful thank you

  20. Roberta Sweet

    Thank you

  21. Pamela Metro

    Guess I needed to hear this today as our business of 40 years will be closing soon and forcing us into retirement. Not pleasant news because now no income and will be living on SS. So many good people that have been with us for many years, now out of a job! So sad as these people are like family~

    • Karen Borga

      When one door closes, another opens. Believe there are lots of new and exciting opportunities for all of you. Because, THERE ARE! ~ Karen

  22. Cindy

    I am grateful for this card new beginnings are a blessing thank you Karen Angels all around us ❤️

  23. Sandi

    This is PERFECT…just found out on 6/24 that my son & DIL are expecting their 1st baby due 2/9/21

  24. Gaye Salem

    Perfect reading! I have been worried about so much that I cannot change to the point where it was affecting me in a very negative way. I finally said “Let go & let GOD.” And that is how I am going to try to live my life. Thank you Karen!

  25. Joanne M Rossi

    Lately I cant keep a thought in my head…inner anxiety & the feeling that I need to move on. This is the feeling I get b4 a big change in my life. Then I picked this ‘card’ & it was affirmation for my feelings. Thank you for giving me the trust back in my intuition!

  26. Sandi

    I love this. My 1st grandchild is due 2/9 and I will be job hunting after the New Year. Thank you Angels

  27. Filomena

    I will be moving to a new bought house and I been wondering if I could have another baby, this card gave me hope, thank you

  28. shirley

    Once again so true as after a difficult period in my life im moving to a new home ,new start new life Thankyou Angels

  29. Ursula

    Today is my birthday and this was spot on. My husband has had and beat cancer
    Twice in two years. He goes for his dr appt tomorrow to hear how his scan is clear.
    I pray this is our new beginning cancer free again. Thanks for sharing these cards.


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