Give Yourself Love.
Your Angels want you to focus on loving. Hold the feeling of love in your own heart. They have noticed you have been giving so much to others without keeping enough for yourself. Constantly pouring love on others does not allow the opportunity to fill your “love cup” back up.
As the airplane flight attendant directs, “During an emergency, put the air mask on yourself first. Then you can help others.”
Take loving care of you so you can have the energy to help others without depleting yourself.
Alternative Meanings: Trust the message from your heart. A new relationship is based on mutual respect. Allow your heart to open and receive love.
I love and honor myself. This love is the source of my ability to help others.

I did enjoy it. I aways take care of everyone first and it is time to think of meeee for a change. Thank you.
I loved my message, thank you
Hi Maryellen, I am so glad. Blessings to you and all you do ~ Karen
Thanks for the message
Thank you. My Angels..!!I’ve always put others happiness before mine..im living in difficult times at the moment..
I’ve been prompted in my Spirit to start taking care of myself much more , and to pause when the inner urgency promotes me to get into hyper gear! I need to be much more serene and less anxious throughout my day!
Loved it and so true I need to start loving my self more and putting my self first thank you
Hi Linda,
Thank you so much for coming. We all need to be spending a bit more time loving ourselves!
~ Karen
Your message is true, thank you
Hi Jeanette!
True for me too.
Have a grateful day.
~ Karen
I’m the same way…cause I’m a healer and we feel the pain of others before ourselves…I enjoys this reading also
Hi Patti,
It is so important for healers and caregivers to take care of their own energy. I sometimes forget.
~ Karen
Thank you…for these beautiful messages….they work as energy capsules….love you both…and all our angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, archangels and guardian angels…:):):)
Thanks for the message and a reminder to take care of ourselves
Thank You. God Bless
The card was great as they always are!!!
Thanks for such a lovely message..
Thank you my Angels!! Im in difficult times right now..hard to think of myself..I rest when I can..all I can do ..
I try to always put others first..true I forget about me..
Can’t help myself but I will try to put me first. Thank you again Angels x
Have a lovely day
I like this message, have a lovely day
Thank you for your message, have a lovey day
I need to do this , blessings to you
Amen thank you Angels❤
That is so true for me today thank you
You go
Thanks, just what I needed to hear…
Thank you.
Hello Karen I wqs pleased with my cared as it told me exactly what I was doing wrong thank you , you are spot on for me
I received the same message (basically) a few minutes ago with “Angel Wings” which gave me the salmon colored wing.
Thank you for coming back twice! I was finally adding my own cards to the site, and had a little technical issues. Hope you enjoy them. ~ Karen Borga
Ahh! So true! Why do we forget about this
Oh yes we do. Such an important message to be reminded of. Thank you for stopping by today! ~ Karen
Thank you so much Karen. I’m trying to love myself more. For the past 2 years I’ve been grieving the sudden loss of my beautiful husband and best friend Collin He was my world. My everything and I’ve been so lost without him. Love Franks readings every week and now I can look Fwd to your cards. Namaste.
I was completely lost years ago … empty nester syndrome hit me really hard. Like you, my world was wide open … and I didn’t know what I wanted to do.
If you don’t mind me suggesting, shift your thoughts a bit … from lost to searching. Little shifts in the way you put your energy out will make a huge difference on how the Universe responds.
May you enjoy your new adventures. Make the choice to be happy … and you can.
~ Karen
Thank you Karen, I always put others first, as it makes me so happy. I know I need to put myself there too & right now. Thank you for this gentle reminder. Love & light xx
It is the nature of an “Earth Angel”, we love to make people feel better. I know in my past, I focused on helping others because it was really easier than focusing on helping me. That was the process of learning to “love myself”. Now, I can help and keep my energy (most of the time)! ~ Karen
Love this message and your cards!!
Thank you so much Martha! Sending much love to you. ~ Karen
Thank you for this reminder… this was a perfect reading because I always put others before myself. I will definitely try to do this for myself. Thank you again ❤️
this is so very true for me
Hi Annette,
Earth Angels love to give. It is a wonderful thing … as long as we fill up our “own love cup” first. Took me such a long time to learn this.
I hope you schedule special time for you. ~ Karen
Thank you for the reading, its as if my angels are talking to me with the help of your cards. Thank you.
Hi Sonali,
They are. Thank you for visiting. Hope you come back soon. ~ Karen
yes i did enjoy this reading thank you
Hi Dorothy, Thank you for visiting! ~ Karen
i would love a reading and yes i did love the reading thank you
Readings are an excellent for guidance in order to move forward. Frank’s speciality is helping you find the blocks that are holding you back.
You can look at this reading formats here https://awakenwithangels.com/frank-borga-spiritual-intuitive-counselor/
Have a wonderful day! ~ Karen
I really enjoyed my reading Thnk you and god bless you
God bless you as well. Have a wonderful day ~ Karen
Thank you Karen these daily messages help me a lot love see your cards
Hi Starlene,
Thank you so much. It took me so long to create these. It makes me so happy to know you are enjoying them.
~ Karen
Thank you both for being there.
It is our pleasure. ~ Karen
Love today’s message. I chose #2. Thanks Guys.
Hi Ingrid,
Have a wonderful day!
~ Karen
Wow again this hits home for me, I’m the caretaker of all I love. This message I will take and keep as I make positive changes. . . . Love this Karen ~ Thank you ~ much Love & Light
Oh I am so glad, DebraJo!
Have a lovely day. Come back soon.
~ Karen
Yes ienjoyed reading that is what I did today had the day for myself .thank you xx
That’s great! ~ K
Thank you Karen! I am a giver! But I have been feeling like I need more I’ve too!
Hi Denise,
This is your confirmation to give more to you!
Blessings ~ Karen
Hi Karen, I am so happy to be receiving your readings again! I’ve really missed them! I truly appreciate all of your insights! They really make a difference for me. Thank you so much!
Beautiful message. Thank you Angel of Love,. Thank you Karen
Thanks for this message I need to learn how to love myself more and accept new relationships with respect.
Thank you Karen for sending beautiful messages from our angels. Their messages really help me.
Hi Kathy,
You are very welcome. Have a lovely day.
~ Karen
Thanks for the message..I will learn how to take care of myself and also love others in new relationships.
Thank you so much the Angels reading are great .
I just want to say I love getting daily horoscope from you guys.
Thank you for the readings everyday. They are such a a blessing to me. Reminders to come back to love, nature, faith, family. It’s lovely to have reminders when our lives are upside down right now; the Lord and His angels have got this, and us!
I must learn how to think Positive. Stay Encouraged and Keep the Faith.
Thank you for the reminder. For years I said that I needed to fill the tea pot back up, when it would start to get low, and go visit a childhood friend for a few days. Fill the pot and then be able to come home to pour again. The pot isn’t empty, just tepid. Time fill ‘er up.
Oh … I love that Dominique! Thank you for sharing your beautiful message. ~ Karen
Today I pulled the angel of love card.. it was perfect. Right inline with what Frank told me about loving myself and not giving it all away (love). The angels are telling me I am on the right track again
That’s awesome!! So glad you have been given confirmation on your current direction. Blessings to you ~ Karen
Hi Karen , I’m finally able to get back here with you and our Angels ! I’ve had a difficult past 6mths. With SLE Lupus I’ve had to take naps in the afternoon every day much more than the norm !! I do miss all of y’all and I’m feeling a great deal better !! I’ve had a new grand baby boy and a new great grand baby boy in the last 4 mths !! My message from The Angel Of Love for me today was exactly what I needed to be reminded of !! I’ve really need to focus more on loving me by setting healthy boundaries so I don’t continue to wear myself out !! ♀️
Welcome back! Self-care is critical to a full and happy life. Congratulations on your new babies! That is so exciting. Great grand baby … wow! Amazing how much love can flow out of hearts. Sending my love to you. ~ Karen
Thank You, Karen.
Have a Great Day.
Many Blessings-!!!
Thank you, Marlene. Have an amazing day too! ~ Karen