What is beyond your DOOR OF FEAR? Your DREAMS await you there. Your Angels want you to know, now is the time to move. Simply walk up to the door, and step through. (Run, if you choose.)
Fear is insecurity and self-doubt. It may be protection from past experiences, even past lives. All of it is coming from your EGO, the part of you that wants to keep you where you are. Muzzle your EGO, and listen to your HEART. Your Heart knows where you really belong.
Anxiety is a strong emotion that can bind. It lives in your stomach just as excitement does. Shift the way you look at your “nervous stomach” and think of it as “butterflies in your belly.” Feel the thrill of realizing your dreams.
Your Angels want you to believe in yourself. Know you have everything you need to move forward. Your Angelic team is holding the door open for you. Now, walk through.
Alternative Meanings: Stand your ground. An opportunity will present itself to you. Speak your truth.
I AM strong and can handle any challenge that comes my way.
I let go of fear, and courageously move forward.

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Wonderful message for me from the angels today . I needed to hear this, thank you, bless you xx
Thank you for stopping by. See you tomorrow! ~ Karen
I’m so glad to see this. I just quit my job and will be beginning a new one and was having some doubts creeping up…I feel more encouraged that I made the right choice now
Congratulations on your new career! So exciting … keep the faith!
~ Karen
Thank You
Thank you, just the guidance that I need at this time. Love and blessings to you both ❤
Thank you my Angels !!
Thank you Karen. The cards helped me tremendously with what is Go I,g on in my life right now. Your cards are beautiful.
Hi Margaret, So glad you are enjoying them. Blessings to you ~ Karen
Thankyou. Angels!
Karen, thanks so much for this beautiful message today it made my day!! I do believe in angels…
Spot on message today. Embracing my butterflies
I really needed this message today . Thank you ❤️
Thx! Good msg!
Hi Judy,
Have a grateful day!
~ Karen
I love your daily angel card readings!
Thank you! This is definitely what I am working on.
Thank you for visiting. Have a lovely day. ~ Karen
needed to hear this !
This was my card for today too! Hope you come back soon. ~ Karen
Thank you
Amen Karen, I needed to hear that today. Love you guys.
I Have Enjoyed All my Wonderful messages. Thank you so much xx
Thank you for this reading Today. I am waiting for a Door for me to be open for me to Student teach Special Need Students. I believe and receive this positive message/
Thankyou. I really needed to hear this today. I am facing problems with my neighbor she is causing me so many problems. I have had a heart attack and I really don’t feel good right now. She is a horrible person. Thankyou God Bless you.
thanks for this wonderful reading…Be Blessed
Thanks for the beautiful message. I moving forward to a new career graduating from college soon,I need a door to open up for me so I can teach exceptional children. I glad they have heard my prayer,
Love Peace and Happiness Be yours
Thankyou my Angels !!yes I have many fears and doubts ,your correct some are very hard to let go of ..I will not be over tonight to change it…need your guidance..
The door I was waiting on has opened up for me Thanks for the message to have Courage
Thank you, Karen. I love this message!
I needed this message today ! Thank you !
Thanks for this Message
Thank you my Angels !! a very positive reading today.
Have a wonderful day. ~ Karen
This card was perfect ! Confirmation my angel if courage … now I know what I need to do .
Words can not express how true the message was. My family and I are really going through alot. Thank you for your message. God Bless
Thank you I really needed to hear this today HAVE A BLESSED WEEK MY FRIEND
Hi Gena,
So glad the Angels were able to reach you.
Blessings to you,
~ Karen
Hi Karen,
I love the messages I get every day from these cards.. is there a way to purchase the deck?
Hi Chiquita,
So glad you love the deck. It is not published. Frank uses the only deck.
~ Karen
Thank you
Feel so blessed to count with you on my life. Thanks for being here for me and whoever needs you ❤️
Karen im so glad to have you in my life again I went thru a bad divorce in 2017 please pray I will find the love of my life for real I’m ready for a good man,and finances and health to get better I wont to live life to its fullest happier than I ever knew existed,I healed my past is in the past and buried so now im looking forward to Love,happiness,Financially great and healthier than I’ve been in a long time..Love you and God Bless you and Frank!!Patsy L. Lynn
Oh … congratulations Patsy! I am so happy and excited for you. God bless you and all you do ~ Karen
Love your readings
Good reading and blessings
Interesting, have a lovely day
I was having financial worries and this has answered my question I asked for, guidance from my angel.
Love this Karen..really resonated with me today.
Thank you!Xxx
Thank you AngelsPlease be with me today as I hand over my decisions made..Amen with Gratitude❤
Thank you Angels❤❤blessed beAmen
I am stuck with agoraphobia. This message is so correct . I do need to let go of my fears in a big way. Thankyou but I need more. I am scared even in the house . Please help me out xx
Hi Crystal,
Do you believe in Angels? If you are at least hopeful Angels exist, begin to ask for signs that they are there. Then be in the present moment to see the signs … often we think too much and miss them. When you start seeing signs, it will help you know that you are not alone and have a protection to call on. The signs will come. Ask them to protect you and help you build confidence and courage. It will happen. Believe in miracles … Believe in Angels … I know you can do this!
~ Karen
Ty, ty, ty Amen♥️
Needed to hear this blessing of a message, ty♥️
Thank you so much
Thank you for this wonderful meshes. I needed to hear this.
Thank you for this card, especially today. Love and blessings. ❤️
I am leaving my job and I haven’t got another one but I am not happy there. Love this card
Thank you
This is so me. Thank you for all your help.
Beautiful message as always . Thank you x
Thank you so much. Courage was my message for today, too. ~ Karen
For what I am going through. I really needed to hear that. Thank you.
Hi Jackie,
So glad your Angels were able to give you this message.
Blessings to you, and all you do ~ Karen
Thanks for the message
Have a blessed day
Thank you Karen. I miss your storefront and the Sjnging Bowls and Meditations.
Hi Mercedes!
I hope you are doing well. I miss them too.
Blessings to you,
~ Karen
So Thankful for this message and ready to move forward. ♡♡♡
Wow. Perfect for what is going on in my life right now. Thank you for your time, energy and the love that I know the two of you put into your website to help us all on a daily basis.
Thank you so much, Justine. Blessings for a wonderful day ~ Karen
Beautiful message from the Angel of Courage . Thank you Karen
I had a bad day yesterday. These comments have lifted me up. Thank you xx
Hi Josephine,
I pray today is a much better day for you.
Blessings to you ~ Karen
I thank you for that wonderful message!!
Blessings to you,
~ Karen
Angel of Courage!!! Exactly what I needed for today…..as I am headed tomorrow morning for surgery….total knee replacement!!! Thank you angels!!!
Thank you . This is just what I needed to hear . COURAGE ❤️
Thank you!!! for my uplifting reading..sometimes it’s the hurt inside that holds us back to move forward..
Oh yes! Blessings to you.
~ Karen
Beautiful message for me today thank you Karen ❤
Thank you for the reminder angel of courage . Bless you Karen xx
Hi, This is my card for today too! ~ K
Thank you so much for this because this has helped me move forward throughout my daily life you guys are the best
I need the angel of courage in my life good pick. thank you Karen
Perfect message for me ,thank you xx
Oh my gosh!! Thank you so much. I have fear, but I want to move forward..
Great message for me today. Something I need to recognize. I think I have more faith than fear but I am
definitely going to work on the fear part. Thanks Karen for bringing about these Angel Card readings again
cause they really help. Namaste!
Much needed and as I opened this up to read the message from the Angel of Courage, Roxette’s Listen To Your Heart was playing in the background. I HAVE RECEIVED THE MESSAGE ANGELS!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I love how they reach me! I love your daily card choices. Every day, it is a much-needed message. Thank you.
Karen, thank you ever so much for this reading. It’s exactly what I needed. I’ve been numb emotionally and it’s all due to fear . Thanks again Pearl
Thank you Angel of courage ,thank you Karen xx
Thank you Angels thank you Karen xx
I am ready to step in the door that is opening up….Thanks for the lovely message
I looking for the opportunity to present itself to me a new teaching job at a new school district’
Thanks for the wonderful message to be encouraged.
Courage is what I need to keep moving forward….
Thank you for this beautiful message…it resonate with me at this time in my life.
So needed this reading I’m going through a very difficult time with my health and I am glad to know that my angels are with me.
Elizabeth, Joining in prayer with you for fast and complete healing. Thank you Angels. ~ Karen
I need to stand strong and keep the faith no matter what it looks like
I truly needed this encouragement more than ever today and moving forward. Thank you so very much.
Thanks for that informative message. I need to learn how to release thing that are not beneficial to me.
I needed to hear this message and I am moving forward to my destiny.
Thanks for this message. I will stand my ground when the right door.opportunity open up for me.
Thank you Karen!This is very appropiate for me right now as im trying to face my fears head on..needed to just hear it today to confirm it!
Thank you so much for this message today…..many changes happening in my life right now and this was so needed to hear. God bless you!
I got the Angel of Courage. Gave me a lot of confidence to move forward. Thank you Karen! ✝️
Thanks for this beautiful message. I need courage to continue to move forward.
thank you this part is so true>>>>Anxiety is a strong emotion that can bind. It lives in your stomach just as excitement does. Shift the way you look at your “nervous stomach” and think of it as “butterflies in your belly.” Feel the thrill of realizing your dreams.
Great message! Thank you!
This is my daily vitamin ❤
Thank you! So resonates with me. Moving in 3 weeks!
Thank you for this beautiful and much needed message. Resonates with me.
Great message! Thanks!